Fee | 9,000 yen per month |
Initial membership fee | 5,000 yen |
Shamisen Regular Lessons
Private lessons – Duration 50 mins
Classes held thrice a month (Wed, Thurs, Sat) 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
For those not comfortable with sitting on the tatami, you can sit on the chair and learn to play.
An opportunity to learn and enjoy the very traditional Hauta style of shamisen that was very popular during the Edo era among the general public.
Nowadays the only chance to experience this kind of style is at an exclusive Geisha performance – So don’t miss your chance to try it yourself!
Most songs are 2~3 mins long so it’s very easy to learn and play.
You will learn singing along with playing with Shamisen. Attend a free trial lesson first and if you are interested,
please contact us at wa-aco@wa-aco.jp.